Public CPR Demonstrations
Our Dalkey CFR volunteers have been working very hard over the past few weeks providing CPR & Defibrillator demonstrations to members of the public at local events.
When a person collapses and their heart stops beating correctly, early CPR started by bystanders is one of the single biggest interventions that can greatly increase the chance of that person surviving.
By teaching CPR & defibrillator skills to members of the public we are strengthening the Chain of Survival in our community!
We were recently at the Seapoint Rugby Club Blitz and St Patrick’s Church Fete, teaching CPR to people of all ages. (Photos Below)
CPR is a very simple skill, but it saves lives everyday!
If you’d like to do some CPR training yourself or if you like us to organise a CPR Demonstration at an event locally, please get in touch.